Business Positioning

We Wrote the App & Books on Hawai’i Business Positioning

SumoSum visual business positioning, financial modeling and forecasting app

Financial Modeling

SumoSum is a free financial modeling and forecasting app that empowers users to see their future through visual graphics and charts. Published by O-WOW and authored by O-WOW founder Steve Sue, SumoSum is the way to success through numbers.»

"Create with Aloha" by Steve Sue

Conceptual Design-Thinking

Create with Aloha is a design-thinking process positioned for Hawai’i companies and nonprofits to create and validate new concepts. Built around the documentary, "Shaka, A Story of Aloha", both the process and film were authored by O-WOW founder Steve Sue. Buy at Amazon »

"Add Aloha" by Steve Sue

Increase Aloha Quotient

Add Aloha is a process for Hawai’i companies and nonprofits to improve their Aloha Quotient such as in customer service. Built around the documentary, "Shaka, A Story of Aloha", both the process and film were authored by O-WOW founder Steve Sue. Buy at Amazon »

Entrepreneur Workbook

Entrepreneur Workbook

Entrepreneur is a process to create a concept for a business. Suitable for students and adults. Authored by O-WOW founder Steve Sue. Buy at Amazon »

Do-It-Yourself or for Facilitation or Coaching, Contact Us »


SumoSum empowers users to make optimal business positioning decisions and plans through comparing multiple future scenarios represented in visual charts and info graphics.

While accounting software records the past, SumoSum projects future. SumoSum helps create alternative scenarios to support optimal decision making.

SumoSum delivers visual charts and graphs that deliver intuitive insight. It also delivers traditional accounting report formats for future scenarios in the form of projected Income Statement, Cashflow and Balance Sheet.

These workbooks are comprised of hands-on process worksheets that include easy to understand directions that anyone can implement on a self-paced basis.

Yes. SumoSum and our workbook systems are designed to be relevant to both individual users and groups.

Yes. SumoSum and our workbook systems are designed to be relevant to both for-profits and nonprofits.